Archive for December, 2012

28th December
written by Richard

Chris Boyd’s superb documentary on “The First Padres” is now available on DVD.  Check it out on this link:  Chris includes great archival footage of the Lane Field days and interviews with players and local historians.  The film premiered on KPBS back on October 8.  It’s well-worth owning.Padres

21st December
written by Richard

Come July or thereabouts, I should have a new San Diego history title on the book shelves. Tentatively titled, San Diego Yesterday (same as the blog name) this will be another collection of articles from the Union-Tribune column I wrote from 2008 to 2011. The History Press from Charleston, South Carolina is the publisher. There are 38 chapters; here’s a brief sampling of the contents:

On the Border

San Diego Union, Aug. 22, 1960

San Diego Union, Aug. 22, 1960

The Hole in the Fence

Frank Booze Beyer and Tijuana

The Heist on the Dike

The Revolutionaries

Disorderly Conduct

A Ruined Woman

Death of the Butterfly Dancer

The Royal Coach Affair

The Bribe

Dragsters on the Boulevard

Fear and Intolerance

The Student Strike

The Young Communists

The Silver Shirts

A Textbook Controversy

The Last Temptation of the Book Censors

6th December
written by Richard

Amazon is waiting!

Admit it.  You all hated history in high school but now you know better.  History really can be fun.  Or, you still hate history but you gotta find an inexpensive book for gift giving.  That’ll work too.

5th December
written by Richard

The “Great Thirst” of Prohibition officially ended in December 1933 with the repeal of the 18th Amendment. Some states were a little early. Here’s how drinkers celebrated the arrival of retail beer in San Diego, 90 years ago today.

San Diego Union, April 8, 1933.