Posts Tagged ‘Point Loma’

5th January
written by Richard

San Diego is now the automobile racing capital of America. For the brief space of one week the Southern California exposition city is to revel in all the glory of the speed game. Next Saturday America’s foremost drivers are to risk their lives . . . in one of the most unique motor races ever staged on the Pacific Coast.  –Los Angeles Times, Jan. 3, 1915

The story of the 1915 Exposition Road Race.

The fastest racers in the world making a turn on the dirt track at Point Loma.

The fastest racers in the world making a turn on the dirt track at Point Loma.


29th November
written by Richard

The last and largest whale captured this season made an interesting chase. Her blowing was observed by the crews of the four boats almost simultaneously.  The moment she was seen the orders came quick and sharp from the boatswain in command, and at once the men bent to their oars with a will, making their boat bound over the water with such speed as would astonish a green hand. 

–San Diego Union, January 11, 1872

Read the story of The Whales of San Diego Bay.